2021 Newsletter
An exceptional sheep breeding year
The 2020 season at The Yanko provided an exceptional sheep breeding year for which we are seeing the benefits of in our sheep flock. At general shearing in March the 1,050 Stud and 4,600 Commercial ewes, together with 2,600 ewe weaners all presented in excellent condition, with wool cuts up and the ewes in great lambing condition.
Rains in late March carried us through a dry Autumn and early Winter, but by May we were feeding all ewes. Rain in June has given the season a positive outlook with clovers growing well and lots of healthy lambs. In the maiden ewes, 101% lambs were marked to ewes joined.
Here is a snippet of what is included:
Report on the year so far
ET and AI programs
MP+ Index averages by year
2020 on-property ram sale results