Client Story – Merits of the Merino
The Yanko have been providing rams to a client at Dirranbandi since 2000, and in that time they have survived the millennium drought, floods in 2016 and very dry years since. The following very positive email we received early this year shows how with good management there is so much to be gained from running Merinos!
“We had some slight relief in Oct (30m) and Nov (47m), however little in December has put paid to that. Ended the year with 195m on the back of 241m for 2017 (Av 465m). Would like to report some excellent results for our sheep during this difficult year. We did not join our Maiden ewes and ran them at our 2nd property at 1 sheep to 10 acres (normally 1:3), they were not fed and cut 7 kgs wool and 90% were in score 2-3 condition. The Merino Ewe is an amazing animal and given ‘area’ impressive what she can produce.
Our 3-4 yo ewes here weaned 102% lambs to ewes joined and also cut 7kgs wool, they were fed, and are still being fed. These ewes are strong and have gone ahead since shearing. Again we are impressed with these ewes ability to produce in very trying conditions, at the peak we were feeding them 3 kgs Barley & 1 kg Cottonseed/hd/week.
Seasonal outlook is not good so we are again selling down, X/B lambs went this morning, next to go our Wether Weaners and Cull 2T Ewes.”
We read this with great interest and admiration and know the dedication and passion this breeder has for his breeding enterprise. The feedback on great wool cuts, fertility and constitution of these progeny from The Yanko bloodline is truly heartening and we thought too good not to share.