The year so far
The first half of 2020 has brought consistent rainfall, a welcome relief from the big dry of 2019. We received a perfect Autumn break of regular rain through late March and April and by May we were surrounded by paddocks of fresh green growth. Pastures responded quickly given our lower stocking rates.
Summer grasses along with native clover have provided a high quality feed source for the merino ewes in late stage pregnancy and shelter for young lambs. In February, with the prospect of another dry start, all ewes were pregnancy scanned and the result was an average 92.5% pregnant to ewes joined. This led to great lambing results of 126.1% to ewes SIL and 113% to ewes joined. These are some of our best results achieved to date!
Dry ewes were carried through until early July and sold on AuctionsPlus in two lots, 2-3 y/o selling for $262 and 4-5 y/o making $221. While Covid-19 is having an affect on markets, restockers are providing a floor for quality product.
Our goal to breed a balanced merino of fibre, frame and fertility has again provided multiple avenues for income in a fluid market.