2020 Ram Sale Results
Thank you to all buyers and underbidders
The Cameron family would like to thank all buyers and underbidders for their support at the On-Property Ram Sale on Thursday 24 September, 2020.
The dual-purpose ability of The Yanko’s Merino Rams is again shown to be important as wool continues to be hit. The rams were selected based on their high fleece weight with commensurate data and good body weight. There was an increased offering of 90 rams, up on last year’s count of 80. 89 of 90 sold to a top of $5750 and an average of $2400. This was an average price increase of $300 from 2019. The top priced ram was purchased by return clients Nauvess Pty Ltd, Longwood, Victoria.
Rams were sold into four states with a number of new buyers and strong competition throughout the catalogue.
We wish all buyers all the best with their purchases and look forward to hearing how they perform.