2022 Ram Sale Catalogue
56 Poll and 54 Horned Rams will be offered for sale
The Cameron Family welcome you to join us at The Yanko on Thursday 22 September for our 2022 On-property Ram Sale.
La Nińa has given us another year of above average rainfall which has led to ideal lambing conditions here at The Yanko. With such great pasture growth lamb survival has been high, marking 162% lambs from maiden twin ewes.
Our breeding objective continues to focus on uncomplicated animals showing high value fleeces
of quality and quantity, with early growth and good reproductive traits. Correct conformation and
structure is paramount in the selection process. The 2021 drop rams are meeting this aim, and
present as an even line of sires.
We have completed our fifth year collecting genomic samples of all rams bred, which provides full
pedigree, and aids in the selection of industry leading sires. The 50K genomic test gives an indication of the genetic ability of each animal and this information is qualified by the measurement of fleece, body weight and structural traits at specific age stages. These ASBV’s are further described on second last page of the catalogue.
The sale with be interfaced with AuctionsPlus. Videos of select rams along with ASBVs will be available.
Contact Stud Manager Ian Cameron on 0427 561 140 for more information.