MerinoLink Sire Evaluation
The Yanko Enfield (130003), a son of The Governor a ram purchased from Sims Uardry, has performed exceptionally well in objective and subjective measurements as shown below (No 10,Figure 1d) below. Of particular interest was the very low ratio of culls in The Yanko Enfield progeny where they performed well for growth, structurally sound and good wool.
The MerinoLink Sire Evaluation site at Jugiong is an accredited Central Test Sire Evaluation (CSTE) site. It conforms to the requirement of the Australian merino Sire Evaluation Association (AMSEA).
The 2016 drop is the third (3rd) joining at Jugiong and complements the previous sire evaluations in 2014 and 2015.
The information in this site evaluation report provides a comprehensive assessment of the 2016 drop at the Yearling assessments of the sire’s progeny performance, both measured and visually assessed traits. The information reported is based on a within flock analysis of the sire progeny being evaluated.
Source: MerinoLink 2016 Drop Sire Evaluation – Yearling Report